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                Applications:jaw crushers are based on years of product development.The continuous improvement and refinement has made them the preferred jaw crushes among professionals and our customers.The series of our Jaw crusher can meet most capacity requirements in primary and secondary crushing and are widely applied in areas of mining,metallurgical,construction,smelting,hydraulic and chemical industries with compression strength of no more than 320mpa.It has many advantages,such as big reduction ratio,equal product granularity,simple structure,reliable working condition,convenient maintenance and economicial operation.Every feature of these jaw crushers has been carefully designed to provide superior quality and performance.

                主要技术参数Main Technical Parameter:

                规格型号 技 术 性 能 电机功率(kw) 外型尺寸
                最大进料(mm) 调整范围(mm) 生产能力
                PEF150×250 125 10-40 1-3 285 5.5 922×745×933 700
                PEF200×300 165 20-70 2-8 285 7.5 1256×1100×1120 800
                PEF250×400 210 20-80 5-20 310 18.5 1108×1142×1392 3000
                PEF400×600 340 40-90 10-40 300 30 1700×1732×1653 7200
                PEF500×750 425 50-100 34-68 275 55 2050×1860×2145 11320
                PEF600×900 480 75-200 32-120 255 75 2792×2168×2250 17600
                PEF750×1060 630 80-200 80-160 250 90 4180×2560×3070 30530
                PEF900×1200 750 100-200 90-200 250 110 5200×2900×3500 50000
                PEX100×600 80 7-20 1.8-8 300 7. 5 1352×1225×948 2210
                PEX150×500 125 10-40 5-12 300 11 1220×1230×1180 2470
                PEX150×750 125 10-40 5-15 300 15 1220×1480×1180 3600
                PEX250×750 210 10-50 8-22 300 22 1400×1617×1412 4980
                PEX200×1000 160 10-55 7-23 300 22 1580×1976×1180 5600
                PEX250×1000 210 15-55 10-32 300 30 1580×1992×1380 7350
                PEX250×1200 210 15-60 12-38 300 37 1530×2192×1380 8700




                  联 系 人:王经理
                  传 真:0371-64388009
                  手 机 : 13903857349
                  在线QQ : 1360857785

                  CopyRight 2017-2018 巩义市恒昌冶金建材设备厂 版权所有